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Arguments As to Why Rooftop Gardens Are a Good Idea For the Future



Our solution is better than vertical gardens because it does not use as much water.  It’s a good safety net for future farming if we run out of land.  Rooftop gardens minimises stormwater runoff and create cleaner air surrounding the building.  Vertical gardens dry out really quickly when they’re in direct sunlight and there is no way of moving them.  Vertical gardens don’t have a lot of space for root growth.  Rooftop gardens can look really good and can also be used as an entertaining area, whereas vertical gardens tend to look messy.  They also take more time and commitment. You can’t grow as many types of vegetables as you can in normal plant pots.

© 2015 by The Apple Cores: Where the Food Begins

Produced by Briony, Hayden, Jake, Oceania, Tate

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